Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Letter to my Future Husband

Dear Future Husband,
I’m not sure why I’m writing you today, but I just felt I needed to say these things to you.  I pray that this letter finds you well.  Hopefully, you’re going about life working as unto Christ making ready to present yourself to me.  God hasn’t given our unity the thumbs up yet because you and your purpose are so special to Him that He doesn’t want me to be ill-prepared in helping you to fulfill it.  I pray that you don’t find yourself in a position of loneliness as God prepares me to be your helpmate.  Loneliness may make you choose someone other than me if only for temporary pleasure or fulfillment.  I know because I’ve done it while I’ve been waiting on you.  You see, my love, I haven’t always been in tune to God’s plan for us.  I’ve entertained relationships and “situationships” that were not God ordained in an effort to find temporary happiness.  Loneliness made me believe that passing the time with others would at least keep me happy until you came along.  However, it didn’t.  It only left me wishing you would come for me sooner.
Here’s the thing though my beloved…if you had come for me sooner, our marriage wouldn’t have worked.  As ready as I thought I was to be a wife, I wasn’t.  In some ways, I’m still not.  I’ve grown tremendously, but I’ve got a little more growing to do.  See, now I know what I’m meant to be for you and what you’re meant to be for me.  Together we’re meant to help each other fulfill the purposes and callings that God has on our lives.  God wants us to be good alone and be a mighty force together with Him. 
Sweetheart, I am broken.  What I currently allow people to see and who I actually am are two different people.  Right now, I’m like a woman with beautifully coifed hair, in a designer suit, with Christian Louboutins on my feet, but a bra being held together by a safety pin and unmatched panties with no elastic.  On the outside, I’m fine.  On the inside though, I’m raggedy.  I don’t want you to find me as your good thing this way.  I don’t want to be united as one with you this way.  I want to bring you favor from God.  I want to be whole, and I want you to know that every night I pray that God is making you whole too.  I’m praying that the things that have your heart and mind bound are released.  I’m praying that you, like me, are learning to release the mistakes of your past.  Our mistakes were meant to shape our ministries.  I realize that we’ve both experienced things in our past that have shaped and molded us specifically for each other.  Every mistake, every disappointment, every rejection, every heartbreak that we’ve experienced is going to be key in helping our love to thrive.  Neither of us is perfect, but in our imperfection, we will be able to love each other perfectly. 
If I'm completely honest, in a lot of ways my independence has crippled me to love.  God is working on me and in me to make me humble.  So, please be patient.  I’m used to being in control; I’m used to running things.  As God humbles me, I will be more willing to be submissive to you.  I’ve always thought that submission would require me to give up who I am.  Until recently, I’ve never fully embraced the fact that the person I am is meant to be a very vital part of who you are to become because woman was formed from man.  God is teaching me to be patient, and at the very same time, He’s working on taming my wrath.  Trust me when I say that you’ll thank Him for that later.  You may find it hard to believe, but I’m kind of selfish too.  Who am I kidding?  I’m a lot selfish.  The plan that God has for you will require me to share you with others though.  So, He’s working on me so that not only will I understand having to share you, but I will support you and encourage you in all you do.  I’ve accumulated things and possessions that I will likely have to share with you or leave behind once we become one.  I understand now that uniting with you will likely put me in a position to have to leave behind what is comfortable to me.  I’ve always resisted stepping out of my comfort zone.  I’m afraid of the unfamiliar; I can’t control the unfamiliar.  So, I avoid the unfamiliar because it makes me uncomfortable to not be in control.  My resistance isn't a refusal or rejection of you; it's a battle within myself with fear.  When you feel me resisting, make me feel secure.  Let me know that I can trust you.  Show me stability and safety.  Eliminate my insecurities.  Be my covering.  I’m sharing all this so you will understand me, my weaknesses, my flaws and my imperfections.
I desire to be vulnerable to you.  Love requires vulnerability.  Love requires risks.  Love requires leaving yourself open to be hurt, but trusting that the one who God has chosen for you will do everything in their power not to.  I realize that there will be times that you will hurt me, and despite my best efforts I will hurt you.  I pray that we will know how to overcome the hurt.  I pray that we will know how to go to God in prayer together, day and night.  There was a time that I prayed just for you:  God show me my husband; God make my husband honest and faithful; God let my husband seek after you.  I now see that I need to go to God just as much (if not more) about me as I do about you.  I have faith that God is going to give our unity the thumbs up soon.  I have faith that our season of waiting for each other will be over soon.  I have faith that our latter will be greater than our past.  Faith without works is dead though Beloved.  So, I'm working.  I'm growing.  I'm becoming obedient to God, His Word, and His purpose for me.  I'm studying.  I'm praying.  And I'm waiting...on you.
Love today, forever, and always,
Your Future Wife

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